For yet another year, the staff from ZioGiorgio International were present in force at the Frankfurt fairgrounds, with the aim of covering Prolight & Sound and giving real-time updates directly from the stands to you, the readers. This is a practice that has become customary for us, and we process we have repeated for all major exhibitions in the industry around the world.
The doors of the fair have now closed behind us, and with a more than positive, even record-breaking year for ZioGiorgio. In total we launched over 100 live news articles from the world of professional entertainment (ZioGiorgio) and the music industry (ZioMusic), in Italian and English, visiting 78 stands, and paying close attention to over 170 new products. And of course, we also spread all of our news across the world of social media, on our platforms which many of you have grown increasingly fond of over the past couple of years.
Soon we will be able to share with you our deeper insights into the event, with all the numbers, attendance figures and comments, plus another handful of comprehensive reports, this time even richer in technical details and up to date releases. This work, unmatched in the industry, was possible thanks to our impeccable and wonderful team (A part of which is perfectly represented in the photo below…).

A moment of relaxation at the beautiful Robe Lighting party ….
We’re covering, and I can tell you with a fair financial investment, all the major industry events in the world. We do this because we understand that more than ever before, our readers need a method of receiving the truly important news articles from these events, without the need for filtering through dozens of outlets of information and statements, which are not always necessarily reliable. In a technical field such as ours, which needs clarity, practicality and concrete information in a timely fashion, the need for avoiding “hearsay” is fundamental, and our ultimate aim is to strive to be as far from a “copy and paste” outlet as possible.
Many of you followed us (about 5000 daily unique contacts over the dates of the show) and for that we really want to thank you. And of course, we invite you once again to comment and give valuable feedback on what changes we could implement into our next trips.
Aldo Chiappini